SAU OTD项目获得acte的全面认证


圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app 职业治疗博士 (OTD)计划已获得全面认证 职业治疗教育评审委员会 (ACOTE).

One of just 54 doctoral degree 项目 from among 251 ACOTE-accredited occupational therapy 项目, SAU OTD项目处于行业转型的前沿. ACOTE has m和ated that all entry-level occupational therapy 项目 transition from master's to doctorate curricula by 2027.

圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app程序, 该项目于2016年秋季以acte候选资格启动, 在接下来的七年里是否完全被认可.

像这样, graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapist administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational 的rapy (NBCOT). 在顺利完成这次考试之后, 这个人将成为职业治疗师, 注册(OTR). 除了, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination.

St. galaxy银河娱乐场app will celebrate its first 职业治疗博士 degrees during the commencement ceremony in May of 2019. 91年的项目主管林恩·基尔伯格, DHSc, 工商管理硕士, 工程/ L, predicted the graduates will build on a long history of success for SAU OT students stepping out into the workforce.

“多年来,我们一直有100%的就业安置, 和 80 percent of our master's graduates selected their job in their first choice of practice 和/or geographical location within six weeks of graduation,基尔伯格说. "We anticipate that with the doctoral students' focused emphasis in a doctoral project, they will further pinpoint the jobs they're interested in 和 impact the clients they serve."

的 "focused emphasis" is what has added doctoral rigor to the OTD curriculum. 在今年秋天完成实地考察之后, the inaugural OTD cohort will spend the final semester of the three-year program completing individualized capstone projects focused on supporting health while also serving in clinical placements associated with their projects.

桑德拉·卡萨迪博士,圣·霍普金斯大学战略计划副总裁. galaxy银河娱乐场app和院长 健康与人类服务学院 (CHHS), said careful planning 和 years of preparation for the OTD program launch were responsible for high commendation the program earned from an ACOTE committee that assessed the program over a three-day on-site visit in July.

该组织在其报告中列举了六大优势. 评论包括:

  • "Service initiatives 和 outreach activities (that) promote awareness for the need to develop caring 和 compassionate practitioners with occupational justice for all individuals."
  • "的 faculty has a tremendous depth 和 breadth of expertise in both areas of clinical practice 和 educational experience. 的 team-teaching approach adopted by faculty strengthens the ties between didactic learning 和 the clinical experience 和 allows the faculty to capitalize on their areas of expertise demonstrating collegiality 和 collaboration mimicking the consultancy model 和 often gray areas of practice."
  • “政府采取了开放政策, 从教员到院长, 去总统办公室, facilitating collaboration 和 innovative program that have resulted in robust opportunities for inter-professional education with the physical therapy, 语言治疗和医师助理项目."

的re was one suggestion related to exploring process 和 distribution of workload. 没有注意到不遵守规定的领域.

Much of the visiting group's high praise for the program related to the collaborative nature of graduate 项目 in the 健康与人类服务学院, where OTD students learn the team approach to health care alongside students in the 物理治疗博士, 医师助理研究硕士, 社会工作硕士语言病理学硕士 项目. 学生们 本科护理学位 项目也参与到这种协作学习方法中.

以人为本的护理研究所. galaxy银河娱乐场app, 这是2017年10月推出的galaxy银河娱乐场app资源, 增加了创新和合作的学习方法, Kilburg说.

"Occupational therapists would say we have been person-centered for a long time but the Institute really offers us an opportunity for communicating that delivery model to our area clinical sites 和 to the community,她说.

Cassady said the accreditation process affirms the OTD department's commitment to excellence.

"We are proud of the OTD faculty 和 staff 和 congratulate them on this important accomplishment,她说. "的 conversion of this professional program from a master's to a doctoral degree was accomplished through a significant curriculum revision that relied on much integration 和 teamwork. I am so pleased that ACOTE's careful evaluation 和 decision resulted in program accreditation for seven years 和 compliance with all st和ards."

Occupational 的rapy debuted as an undergraduate degree major program at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app学院于20世纪80年代末成立,并于1991年培养了第一批毕业生. It is the longest-st和ing occupational therapy program in the state of Iowa 和 currently offers the state's only accredited doctoral degree in the discipline. 的 first Master of Occupational 的rapy (MOT) degrees were awarded in 2000. 最后一批MOT学员于2018年8月毕业. 的 program enrolled its first class of doctoral students in fall 2016 和 the class will graduate in August 2019. 自1991年以来, the program has produced 908 graduates - with an estimated 40 to 50 percent of those graduates having worked as health professionals in the Quad-Cities region.



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KALA-FM was honored with the award for "Community Involvement" from the Iowa Broadcasters Association.



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